Dec 25, 2020
It is time for our annual Best Of episodes! We're going to count
down our Top 20 shows of the year, starting with this episode and
the bottom half, and listing a few honorable mentions for each of
us! We don't want to give it away, so we're not listing the titles
in the notes just yet.
3:27-9:21 Power...
Dec 24, 2020
This week, Les chats with actor Kyle Klaus about his path into acting, the difference in talent and craft, and his famous great-uncle, Santa. Check it out!
Dec 21, 2020
This week, Les chats with actor, writer and producer Ellen Hollman about her new film 'Army of One' (available Dec 15 on streaming platforms everywhere) as well as her work in the upcoming fourth 'Matrix' film. They talk about being ready for opportunity, how she got involved in 'Army of One' and much more. Check...
Dec 18, 2020
In the next two weeks, we'll be presenting our annual Best Of TV episodes, but this week, it's time for one last look at shows we want to talk about again, or shows we haven't talked about yet. It's a TV potluck, and Grant is joining us! We're even stretching the bounds of what we cover, because Kyle is gonna talk...
Dec 16, 2020
This week, Les chats with actor Michael Devine. Michael recently took on an all-too-real role in the HBO series 'The Undoing', where he played the series regular role of Detective Paul O’Rourke. Michael is a real-life, recently retired Detective Sergeant for the NYPD. We talk about his love of acting, his career...