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We love watching and talking tv, and while we try to cover everything, our passion lies in the more genre-related cable and streaming service shows. Every week we focus on analyzing key scenes, dissecting story arcs, critiquing characters, and pouring over the latest tv news for whats upcoming. 

New episodes are posted every Friday. If you share our passion for all things TV, tune in!

May 28, 2021

This week, we ask the question: Who's Laughing Now? Is it Annie Easton on the third and final season of Shrill on HULU? Is it MODOK, Mental Organism Designed Only for Comedy on HULU? Is it the legendary comedienne Deborah Vance on Hacks on HBO Max? Or is is all the people around them? And why aren't we laughing at CW's Superman & Lois, is it because it's actually super good? Also this week: The birth of Nick Katsu Neko!

1:55-28:50 TV Diary
28:50-42:52 Truth Is Stranger than Fan-Fiction
44:54-54:56 Shrill (HULU)
54:56-1:09:45 Marvel's MODOK (HULU)
1:10:25-1:22:03 Hacks (HBO Max)
1:22:03- Superman & Lois (C