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We love watching and talking tv, and while we try to cover everything, our passion lies in the more genre-related cable and streaming service shows. Every week we focus on analyzing key scenes, dissecting story arcs, critiquing characters, and pouring over the latest tv news for whats upcoming. 

New episodes are posted every Friday. If you share our passion for all things TV, tune in!

Dec 30, 2022

It's our last show of the year, and that means we're wrapping up our Top 20 of 2022! We've put together our best of list, and we're gonna talk about it along with our discussion on all the stuff that made our personal top 20s but didn't make the TV Dudes official list! This week, we're giving you #10 to #1!
00:55-38:28 - Honorable Mentions
39:12-end - Top Ten of 2022