Oct 21, 2022
This week we've got some experts showing off their skills. The high school basketball coaches and their proteges in season 2 of Big Shot on Disney+. The parents of famous demon hunters, Dean and Sam, in The Winchesters on The CW. And there's the crew of paramilitary mercenaries on The Professionals, also on CW. Plus, of course, She-Hulk shows us how it's done with a pretty perfect finale and Star Trek Lower Decks is back in the holodeck in our double desserts.
3:41-35:00 TV Diary
37:03-41:54 Big Shot (Disney+)
41:54-47:22 The Winchesters (CW)
47:22-51:50 The Professionals (CW)
52:04-59:50 Dessert: She-Hulk (Disney+)
59:50- Star Trek Lower Decks (Paramount+)